Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Case Study Area Risk Assessment - 862 Words

ITGC Area Risk Assessment IT Management Low Systems Development Low Data Security Medium Change Management Low Business Continuity Planning High Alexandra DeHaven IT General Controls ITGC Area Summary of Issue Strength or Weakness IT Management FFC has an IT strategic plan Strength IT Management FFC has an IT Steering Committee Strength IT Management VP Information Security reports to CIO Weakness IT Management FFC plan matches IT plan Strength IT Management VP Applications reports to CIO Weakness IT Management Steering Committee Members 5/7 report to CIO Weakness IT Management VP Operations reports to CIO Weakness IT Management VP Database Administration reports to CIO Weakness IT Management CIO Reports to the CFO Strength Systems†¦show more content†¦FFC recently implemented a fingerprint bio-coding payment system in its stores and this implementation required that FFC change other systems as well. An IT General Control (ITGC) review is mandatory to meet SAS 109’s risk assessment procedures and SOX Section 404 Management Assessment of Internal Controls requirements. This is also important because it builds a foundation to begin the implementation on. Purpose: The ITCG controls are important for both security reasons as well as data validation for the systems within a company that manage financial data. There are high costs that come with protecting a data and it is important to identify all the possible risks that a company may end up facing and creating a plan for protection. Scope: As stated by Sophie Ewing, the audit senior, the team reviewed the technical issues related to FFC’s internal controls and evaluated FFC’s operating systems, its telecommunications software, and its network configuration and firewall. The evaluation changes how the financial auditor assesses the risk ofShow MoreRelatedReviewing An Report Written That Should Address The Points982 Words   |  4 Pagessome experiments and tests, Should study, apply, circular statistics ,Should draw some curves on 2D or 3D, Should deduce TPM (transition probability matrix), TRM (transition rate matrix) for Markov process, Should deduce the utilization factor of the roads, Should deduce the maximum capacity of the road ,Should deduce the local balance equation and study the probability of existence in every state. Now we should answer, did the accidents are seasoning? The risk analysis is very weak (no formula hadRead MoreBelmont Report1279 Words   |  6 Pagesregarding informed consent, assessment of risk and benefits, and selection of subjects in addition to ethical practice and procedure in the area of human research are outlined. 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