Friday, February 28, 2020

The US-led war in Iraq Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The US-led war in Iraq - Essay Example Iraq had a devastated economy from 1980 to 1988 due to the internal war of the country. The country was made to be the largest military country in the region of Persian Gulf. The country was invaded by Kuwait in 1990 but the United States-led UN coalition forced them out in 1991. This led to social instability in the Kurdish side of the country where the Shia Muslims were against the government, which was led by Saddam Hussein. The government was forced to use force in order to suppress this rebellion. This led to a massacre where thousands of individuals were killed and a lot of property was damaged. The United States government and other superpower countries were forced to declare the country to be a no flying zone due to the instability of the region. The country was even sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council since the country refused to surrender their weapons so that they could be inspected. The country remained unstable from the 1900s to 2000s. The United States-led coalition invaded the country in 2003 after it was reported that the country had refused to be inspected by the United Nation. This led to the Iraq war between the United States and Iraq. Iraq’s dictator was overthrown in this war after the invasion had taken place. The country was left under the control of Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) that handled the governmental affairs of the country, which later led to the formation of the government. The Iraqi interim Government took over after the CPA was disbanded in June 2004. The transitional government later took over after the election was held in January 2005 and in September the countries constitution was completed. December of the same year marked another election that initiated a four-year government, which took over power in March 2006, and was in accordance with the constitution. Even after the elections had been conducted in the country, there were still casers of instability and reports of violence across the country. This made the United States forces to be increas4ed in the region to calm the violence. The US started leaving the country in June 2009 after the two countries came up with a plan to ensure that the troops were out of the country’s urban areas (Jenkins, 57). The Iraqi war officially ended in December 2011 as majority of the US troops had left the country. The governance of Iraq changed after the invasion by the United States. This government is an establishment of the parliamentary democracy where it has branches of executives. The president is the chief of states and the prime minister is the head of government. The legislative branch of Iraq is has a unicameral council of representatives. The judicial branch of the country does not exist. However, the CIA Fact book implies that the judicial governance and management should start with Higher Judicial Council, which is followed by Federal Supreme Court Federal Court of

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Managerial Control Systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managerial Control Systems - Assignment Example The second phase is the identification of opportunities for revenues and costs that the existing system fails to report, and the specification of what changes must be adopted in the system in order to better highlight the opportunities, to make the business more profitable yet more environmentally sustainable. It requires establishing control by assigning responsibility centres and sub-centres, the drivers relevant in their cost assignment, and the setting up of records to duly report activities and allocation of corresponding costs. It also involves proper communication and consistency in applying these measures. The final phase is the trial and documentation of changes to discover how the changes will affect the results from those achieved under the current system. This trial and assessment seeks to determine whether the changes introduced leads to improved management decision-making. Included in the assessment is an evaluation of management tools introduced, how they enhance the r elevance of the information delivered to managers, and the potential and opportunities created in enhancing the type, quality and accuracy of managers’ decisions that impact on the environment and the firm’s future profits. 2. ... t generates the standard summary accounting information (chart of accounts, trial balance, the general ledger, and the income statement and balance sheet). There is no categorization or distinction among costs, all being reported together as overhead. These outputs are used to manually generate the pertinent spreadsheet leading to the more detailed income and expenditure statement and cash flow forecast, which have greater detail to support management decisions. Capital expenditures are distinguished as to capital works and capital replacements. Acquisition price form the sole criterion for deciding among projects, without taking into account the forecasted revenues/ benefits accruing therefrom. There is no system for monitoring costs after acquisition of either capital works or replacement; in the case of the latter, replacements depend upon user requests and not upon any systematic capital budgeting method. 3. Identify the environmental impacts associated with MLC’s operatio ns and explain how the costs associated with the environmental impacts are treated and flow through MLC’s accounting system (6 marks, 1 page) According to the case study, there are four environmental impacts of MLC’s operations. These are energy usage, paper usage, water usage and waste management. Each of the costs associated with these impacts are coded directly into the firm’s expenses accounts. Expenses that go into energy, paper and water usage are assigned to the broad category of â€Å"administration and general† overhead expenses, while costs incurred for waste management are recorded under â€Å"caretaking and cleaning† overhead expenses. The costs are loosely allocated between â€Å"tuition† and â€Å"boarding†; the criterion for doing so is not specifically provided for, and is